With a Twist | | Yellow Goat Design

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With a Twist

Yellow Goat Design

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Product ID: 30216
This homespun lighting design is meant to resemble long strands of wheat or hay tied into a bundle, with a simple circular loop knotted at its center. Each strand is comprised of muted brass and lit by suspended LED bi-pins arranged at strategic intervals. The overall effect is rustic, meant to soothe the senses and provide a sense of old-world harmony with the elements. The natural elegance of this design is suited to most settings but is especially useful in the kitchen, dining room, or a restaurant interior. With A Twist is simple and pliable enough to be used in offices or living rooms as well—anywhere a sense of down-to-earth familiarity is necessary.

Inspiration Featuring Yellow Goat Design

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Great job on adding that image, you ROCK!