SKP Design
Kalamazoo, MI
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Walnut & Park
Kalamazoo, MI
Most Walnut & Park employees are residents of KPEP, an innovative local community corrections provider, and graduates of the KPEP culinary arts program which equips them with the job skills they need to turn their lives around and live independently. The cafe menu includes coffee, pastries, sand… Read More
Cool palette of smoky blue and greys contrasts with white subway tile accents as part of the interior design by SKP Design.
A comfortable and welcoming seating area at Walnut and Park restaurant in Kalamazoo, Michigan, designed by SKP Design.
The blend of different elements create a unique interior design at Walnut & Park in Kalamazoo, Michigan, by SKP Design.
Banquette seating lines at Walnut & Park in Kalamazoo, Michigan, by SKP Design.
The conference room at Walnut & Park in Kalamazoo, Michigan, by SKP Design.