Kenosha, WI
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Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort - Hot Springs, AR
In 2014 Cordeck furnished the N-R-G Flor® In Floor Cellular Raceway
System at the Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort. In 2019 the owners decided to expand their gaming floor by 28,000 square feet.
Again, our N-R-G Flor® In Floor Cellular Raceway System, was the optimum solution by providing st… Read More
In 2014 Cordeck furnished the N-R-G Flor® In Floor Cellular Raceway
System at the Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort. In 2019 the owners decided to expand their gaming floor by 28,000 square feet.
System at the Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort. In 2019 the owners decided to expand their gaming floor by 28,000 square feet.
In 2014 Cordeck furnished the N-R-G Flor® In Floor Cellular Raceway
System at the Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort. In 2019 the owners decided to expand their gaming floor by 28,000 square feet.
System at the Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort. In 2019 the owners decided to expand their gaming floor by 28,000 square feet.