Eldorado Stone Vintage Ranch Foxwood Hospitality-Bathroom OA | Eldorado Stone


Biophilic Design

As technology continues to influence more of our daily activities, it’s not surprising that we feel an increased desire to stay connected with the world outside our walls, windows, and doors. This supports the biophilia hypothesis, which suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature. Numerous studies indicate that biophilic design solutions can even reduce stress and lower heart rates and blood pressure while increasing creativity, productivity, and well-being. The landmark Terrapin Bright Green report, “14 Patterns of Biophilic Design,” confirms this correlation, citing various empirical studies that confirm a connection between humans’ experiences of natural environments and “greater emotional restoration, with lower instances of tension, anxiety, anger, fatigue, confusion and total mood disturbance than urban environments with limited characteristics of nature.” Design features that showcase natural elements provide a primal, multi-sensory approach to reinforcing our connection to nature. From fire features and light wells to stone statement walls and elaborate water features, these additions create memorable spaces and evoke a sense of tranquility in the places where we spend most of our time.
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Great job on adding that image, you ROCK!